National Civil War Centre


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016 Privacy Notice

The personal information you provide will only be used by Newark and Sherwood District Council, the Data Controller, in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation 2016 to facilitate ticket sale(s) for entry to the National Civil War Centre.

The basis for processing this information is a contract that can is created when you purchase an admission ticket from us.

Your personal information may be shared with SeatGeek, our data processor, in connection with the above purpose.

Your personal details will be kept in accordance with the Council's retention policy and schedule. Details of which can be found on the Council's asset register on our website:

In accordance with GDPR you have a right to:

You may also have a right

  • to prevent automated processing and profiling
  • to erasure (also known as the right to be forgotten)
  • to stop processing
  • to data portability

For further details about how your information may be used or about your rights under this legislation and any subsequent data protection legislation, please contact the Council's Information Governacne Officer on 01636 655216 or via email on