National Civil War Centre

Upside Down World Schools Competition

Win a free trip to The National Civil War Centre/Newark Museum for up to 60 children!

We're launching a new set of free curriculum-linked, multimedia resources designed for Key Stage 2 children and their teachers. Learn about the British Civil Wars through animation, film, audio and interactive downloadable classroom materials! Even if you're not teaching the British Civil Wars (hang on..why not?!), you can use these resources to provide an exciting new context for writing.

How to enter:

  • Check out our new free to access cross-curricular materials, Upside Down World, designed to resource history and/or literacy lessons.
  • Try out some of the resources and send us images of your pupils enjoying the activities in the classroom. You can send photographs, videos or examples of pupil work. (please note that any/all of these images may be shared on our social media channels so ensure that you have photo consent if featuring children).

Entries should be sent via email to by 5pm on Friday 20th October 2023. The competition terms and conditions can be found here: Upside Down World schools competition terms and conditions (PDF File, 79kb)

We will choose one winner during October half term who will receive a voucher for a 60 pupil visit for one of our hands on, interactive, curriculum-linked learning days to include a choice of sessions. Find out more about our Learning visits here.